Posts tagged with "Magik Muzik"

Young Parisians | Katherine Amy
Music · 30 January 2022
Formed by producer Richard Mowatt as an outlet for projects outside his best-known-for, from Young Parisians’ debut single the act accrued a following. Adding to that was their catalogue, which - over the course of 20 years - held at three releases. It apparently wasn’t the quantity that counted though, with at least two of them (‘U Write The Rules’ and ‘Jump The Next Train’) growing to become popular electronic music.

Richard Durand & Christian Burns
Music · 09 January 2022
Putting 2022 on notice, Richard Durand follows up his HALIENE-sung ‘Give Your Heart A Home’ with a new team-up with Christian Burns. It’s a case of ‘from one Home to another’ too, as ‘Almost Home’ sees Richard serve the final-stage release ahead of his new ‘Reactivate’ LP.

Tasadi & Sarah de Warren
Music · 21 December 2021
Last year, Taha Asadi aka Tasadi signalled an end to his seven-year studio hiatus, using the last of his months to prepare the groundwork for his return. Subsequently, over 2020’s duration, he directed a 12-strong, Jan-to-Dec new release hail at DJs, clubs and airplay lists.
Music · 16 November 2020
Hoping to bring some musical salvation to the strangest of years are JES and Oliver Smith, with their track ‘Don’t Let It End’. Evoking all the emotions of those late-night/festival moments that have become a part of who we are, the track aims to bring you back to a place that may be lost right now, but will never be forgotten.

Music · 17 September 2020
Solarstone wrote himself an album during lockdown - an unplanned one obviously, and one - by his own acknowledgment - he wouldn’t have gotten to write in more conventional times. ‘A lockdown album’ by any other name - not the first and undoubtedly not the last.