


Grammy-Nominated artist BT recently announced his new studio album ‘The Lost Art Of Longing’. Available on 14 August from Black Hole Recordings, his first dance music-oriented album in seven years is preceded by the recent release of the single ‘No Warning Lights’ with the voice of Emma Hewitt. 


‘The Lost Art Of Longing’ features 14 tracks that traverse the world of electronic dance music, from the cinematic ambiance of ‘Game Theory’, the progressive ‘Wildfire,’ ‘Walk Into The Water,’ ‘1AM in Paris’ and ‘Windows,’ the breakbeat wallop of ‘The Light Is Always On’ and ‘The War,’ the electro/synth inspired ‘Weltanschauung,’ the brooding trance of ‘No Warning Lights’ with Emma Hewitt, to the electronic lullaby “Save Me.’  


The album is BT’s ode to the things in life that have a deep personal significance and meaning that are becoming archaic, antiquated, even extinct. The handwritten love letter, a rotary telephone, a book, early computers, vintage synthesisers, telephone wires, typewriters…all in sheds or garages, landfills, and other places…slowly decaying and being forgotten. 


BT: “One of the things nearing extinction; is the art of longing. As in, wanting of something you cannot immediately have. If anything positive is to come from the situation the world collectively finds itself in, it is my great hope - speed, instant gratification, and over-stimulation are swapped out for longing, imagination, and relational connection. For a child or teenager to sit thoughtfully and ponder what is to come, to hope for or envision something amazing, to dream of a place or a future - is becoming obsolete. Longing has been replaced with instant gratification. My hope is that this record reacquaints my audience with the lost art of longing. That they will take pause, get quiet, daydream, and connect to their own place of longing. Because that, I believe, is where the magic is.” 


‘No Warning Lights’ takes the listener on a voyage, starting from a field recording taken at a train station in Amsterdam and departing through a wall of Emma Hewitt’s vocals and BT’s blend of trance 2.0, orchestral writing and heavy sound design.

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