Ellen Allien's We Are Note Alone series has enjoyed regular appearances at Berlin's Griessmuehle throughout the past few months. Now, on Saturday, 11 August, Ellen and the BPitch crew will open the doors of Griessmuehle at 10:00PM and invite you stay until 3:00PM the next day, taking in 17 hours of non-stop beats.
Curating the music will be Ellen Allien, alongside Aérea Negrot, Alan Oldham, DeWalta, Maxime Iko, Serge, Setaoc Mass and SHDW & Obscure Shape.
Set upon the industrial backdrop of Griessmuehle, this space has become somewhat of a residency for Ellen. The three rooms; Hall, Wintergarten and Silo ensure a variety of aural and visual stimulations for spectators.
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